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Dan Harper | Selected sermons

Here are a few sermons of mine from the past half dozen years that seem to be worth re-reading.

Who Deserves Our Love? Here in the United States, political rhetoric seems to be getting more and more rancorous. It can feel like love is an outmoded emotion. But June Jordan's poetry tells us something important about love, something relevant for the present day — something that aligns with the values of the old Universalists.

What about Land Acknowledgements? Many congregations and other non-profit organizations in the U.S. are offering “land acknowledgements,” or acknowledgements that there were indigenous people living here first. In this sermon, I think about what would be required to offer an ethical land acknowledgement for First Parish inCohasset, where this sermon was preached. And I give the story of two indigenous people who became members of First Parish back in the eighteenth century.

Religion vs. Spirituality Being spiritual but not religious (SBNR) might be the best option for some people, especially those who have been damaged by restrictive religious groups. But avoiding organized religion cuts you off from one of the most powerful human tools for inuqiry and self-knowledge. That powerful tool is the community of inquirers.


Video recordings:

Recent services from First Parish in Cohasset The three most recent livestreamed services from the First Parish in Cohasset Youtube channel. Some of these services feature guest worship leaders,but there should always be one or two of my services available to view.

Dan standing at a pulpit, gesturing with his right hand, and looking out at the congregation

Preaching at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto.

Dan preaching at a lectern, leaning to one side and gesturing

Preaching at First Parish in Cohasset.