Art on the highway

The Maine Turnpike Authority decided to install works of art by William Wegman in several rest areas. When I was driving north today, I stopped at the Kennebunk rest area to check out one of those artworks. (0:42)

Press reports on the murals: The Portland Press-Herald reports that some turnpike authorities would have preferred “a picture of a lighthouse or Mount Katahadin” — whereas the Bangor Daily News offers a quote from a maintenance worker who likes the mural.

Note: video host is defunct, so this video no longer exists.

3 thoughts on “Art on the highway

  1. ogre

    That’s “public art” of the sort that says “Here’s some ‘art’ that is utterly without context or — as far as I can tell — inherent meaning.” Attractive to the eye, and empty. But almost no complaints to the authorities, which is what’s really important.

  2. Administrator

    Ogre — Yup, it’s art without context — just like the Maine Turnpike itself, which could be a highway in pretty much any wooded state. Without about the same amount of inherent meaning. Pretty cool, huh?

  3. Jean

    I like how you drive away and we see the dog mural fading in and out as though you
    are still thinking about it. nice technique

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