Welcome to the old version of Yet Another Unitarian Universalist. This version of the blog existed from 2005 to 2010, when it died, probably due to a malicious attacker who took over parts of the blog.
Articles and pages on this site:
All theology is local: Sense of place
Birds of New Bedford Harbor
Ecological theology
Evolution (the game, not the scientific concept)
Folkish hymns in SLT and STJ
Folkish songs for worship
Links (deprecated; last updated in 2009)
Rise Up Singing as a UU hymnal
Seashells and invertebrates of New Bedford Harbor
Shape note hymns in SLT
Some typical entries
Sources for the history of Universalist laypeople in New Bedford
Sources for the history of Universalist preaching and ministry in New Bedford
Table of contents
Unitarian and Universalist history timeline
What do UUs believe?
What is a “post-Christian”?