Getting ready to move

My last official day as the interim minister of religious education of the Unitarian Universalist Society of Geneva (what a mouthful) was yesterday. I cleaned up some paperwork, and went out to lunch with Lindsay Bates, the senior minister, for our last meeting. As of today, I’m on vacation.

But it won’t be a relaxing vacation. I still have to pack, and get ready to move. The packing is the worst part, because of the books. I admit it, I have way too many books. I’m still packing away the books in my office at the church, and haven’t even begun to pack up all the books in our apartment. Books, books, books. Red books, green books, books with feathers on the cover. Maybe I’m taking this idea of “a learned ministry” too far.

The move itself should be relatively simple, once the books are taken care of. We had a bad experience with a regular moving company last time, so it looks like we are going to rent one of those “Pods,” where you load up this big metal boxy container, put your own lock on it, and the truck comes and takes it all away and drops it at your new house. Should be simple, because we don’t own much of anything.

Except books.