In the final installment of this series, Possum feels better — as does Mr. Bear.

As usual, full script is below.
Continue reading “Possum still feels stressed, conclusion”Yet Another Unitarian Universalist
A postmodern heretic's spiritual journey.
In the final installment of this series, Possum feels better — as does Mr. Bear.
As usual, full script is below.
Continue reading “Possum still feels stressed, conclusion”Sharpie gives Possum some new ideas about a spiritual practice, so Possum won’t feel bored.
Full script below the fold….
Continue reading “Possum still feels stressed, part two”A few months ago, Dr. Sharpie showed Possum some spiritual practices that might make him feel less stressed. Possum says those spiritual practices don’t work any more for him, but Sharpie has an idea….
The full text of the video is below the fold.
Continue reading “Possum still feels stressed, part one”Possum, Packrat, and Dr. Sharpie — er, Queen Sharpie — present photos from UUCPA kids showing their stuffies in Halloween costumes. Whose costume is best? Queen Sharpie has an answer…. (Updated version of the video, with three more stuffie costumes.)
Complete text of the video is below the fold….
Continue reading “Possum presents: Halloween costumes for stuffies”If you can’t go out trick-or-treating this year, or go to a Halloween party, how about making costumes for your stuffed animals? You could even hold a costume party for stuffies. Here’s a video with some idea on how to make easy, effective costumes for your stuffed animals:
In the video, you’ll see Dr. Sharpie Ann get costumed as a queen (Queen of the Universe, of course), Packie the Dusky-footed Woodrat as a pirate, Possum as an angel, and Hedgehog as a cowboy.
Once you dress up your stuffies, take their photos and post them on social media.
The final installment of the “Possum Feel Stressed” series of videos:
As usual, full script is below….
Continue reading “Possum feels stressed, conclusion”The fourth installment in this video series:
Full text of the script is below….
Continue reading “Possum is working on reducing his stress”In the third installment of the Possum Feels Stressed video series, Possum learns about prayer as a spiritual practice (even though he doesn’t believe in God):
The first poem mentioned in the video is by Edward Everett Hale, a Unitarian minister:
I am only one.
But still I am one.
I cannot do everything.
But still I can do something.
And because I cannot do everything
I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.
The second poem mentioned in the video is by Universalist poet Edwin Markham:
They drew a circle that shut me out —
Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout.
But Love and I had the wit to win:
We drew a circle that took them in.
Full script for the video is below….
Continue reading “Possum is still stressed…”The second video in the Possum Feels Stressed series. Mindfulness meditation didn’t work out as a stress-reliever for Possum, and in this episode he and his friend Nanas the monkey try yoga…
The script is below, for those who like that sort of thing. Be warned, it got changed a bit in performance and editing.
Continue reading “Possum feels stressed, part two”The first installment in the Possum series of videos: