Rolf, Sharpie, Possum, and the gang decide to act out another story from the Ramayana.

Full script below the fold.
Rolf: I want to hear the story of the Pool of Enchantment!
Sharpie: Oh, yes, the story from the Ramayana. I’ll act out the part of King Yudhisthira.
Possum: The King, or rather the Queen, and her siblings were chasing a deer who had stolen the wood needed to start a Brahmin’s sacred fire. After chasing the deer for a long time, they sat down under a tree, so thirsty they couldn’t go on.
Sharpie: If we don’t find water soon, we’ll die. Nakula, climb this tree to look for water.
Birago: There’s water over there.
Sharpie: Go get some water and bring it back to us.
Possum: Nakula soon found a pool of clear water. A Crane stood at the far edge of the pool.
Birago: Water! I’m so thirsty!
Voice: Do not drink, O Prince, until you answer my questions.
Possum: Nakula was thirsty, so he ignored the Voice. He drank the cool water, and in a few moments lay dead beside the pool.
Sharpie: Where is Nakula? Sahadeva, you’ll have to go and bring us some water.
Castor: On my way!
Castor: Nakula, dead! I’m so thirsty, I’ll drink before I find out what killed him.
Voice: Do not drink, O Prince, until you have answered my questions.
Possum: But Sahadeva had already drunk from the water, and also lay dead beside the pool.
Sharpie: Arjuna, find our siblings, and bring us water.
Nicky: I’ll take my bow and arrows, just in case.
Nicky: My two siblings, dead! I’ll find who or what killed them. But first, I’m so thirsty.
Voice: Do not drink, O Prince, until you have answered my questions.
Nicky: Who are you? Come out and fight with me.
Voice: Bwa ha ha ha. Do not drink, O Prince.
Possum: Soon Arjuna, too, lay dead beside the pool.
Sharpie: Bhima, go find our siblings, then bring water back to me.
[Nods silently.]
Possum: Seeing his siblings, Bhima wondered what evil demon had killed them.
[Looks around in silence.]
Voice: Do not drink, O Prince, until you have answered my questions.
Possum: When the Queen realized that her siblings were not going to return, she went to the pool herself.
Sharpie: This must be the work of some evil spirit. But I am so thirsty, I will drink first.
Voice: Do not drink, O Queen, until you have answered my questions!
Rolf: They shouldn’t have drunk the water!
Nicky: Who’s that strange Voice that speaks?
Possum: We’ll have to wait until next week to find out….