New edition of the “Ecojustice Class” curriculum

Not many blog posts recently, as my spare time has been taken up with revising religious education curriculum.

I just completed a version of my full-year middle school “Ecojustice Class” curriculum for southern New England. Congregations in similar climates in the eastern U.S. should probably be able to use this curriculum as well. This is a beta test version — entirely teachable, but the curriculum is still a little rough around the edges.

Much of this is adapted from the northern California version of the curriculum, which we developed over ten years at the UU Church of Palo Alto. For New Englanders, I adapted this curriculum to a four-season climate. I added several proven session plans which have been adapted from Ecojustice Camp, as well as from my summer eco-spirituality workshops that I’ve led off and on since 2006 (mostly at Ferry Beach Conference Center).

Read about the Ecojustice Class concept on my curriculum website. Then if the concept works for your congregation, you can click through to Ecojustice Class Southern New England.

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