I boarded the Lake Shore Limited at the Framingham station. I would have taken the commuter rail from Cohasset to South Station, except I have a complicated parking situation, and had to leave my car in overnight parking.
The section of the Lake Shore Limited that runs from Boston to Albany is a small consist: one sleeper car, a club car, two coaches, all pulled by one locomotive. I had no trouble finding the correct car to board.
I quickly settled in, and then I must have dozed off, because the next thing I knew we were in Worcester. The sun had gone away, leaving a harsh gray sky. I was glad to be inside my nice warm roomette.

I dozed off again, and awakened as we slowed down to enter Springfield. We passed a lonely-looking tent encampment in some trees next to the tracks. We stopped briefly at the Springfield station, where a few people got on and more seemed to get off the train.

We crossed the Connecticut River….

…and began to climb into the hills of western Massachusetts. We passed an old paper manufacturing plant.

The route ran along the Westfield River for an hour or so. At times the train ran right next to the river, and then the river would wind away into the woods and disappear. Steep hills surrounded us.

By the time we go into the Berkshires, it was dusk. We wound through the hills as night set in.

At Albany, we had a one hour layover while we were connected with the New York City section of the Lake Shore Limited. I walked up to the station, mostly to stretch my legs, and bought a copy of the Financial Times. Now I’m waiting for dinner, and before you know it I’ll be bedded down in the upper berth sound asleep.
I love traveling by train. On our trip east last week we stopped in North Platte and toured the museum there. We talked to the volunteer who had worked in their train yard. My family used to ship our beef cows by train from Yampa CO to Chicago to the stockyards. In fact my cousins shipped the last cows by train in the US from Yampa. Why don’t we have a better train network? Would love to hear your thoughts