Another pollinator, this time a bumble bee (Bombus sp.). For my money, bumble bees are perhaps the most attractive of all insects. Unfortunately, this individual was very active, and as a result most of my photos of it were blurry.
Yet Another Unitarian Universalist
A postmodern heretic's spiritual journey.
Another pollinator, this time a bumble bee (Bombus sp.). For my money, bumble bees are perhaps the most attractive of all insects. Unfortunately, this individual was very active, and as a result most of my photos of it were blurry.
I have been doing a lot of tending of my garden (a common occupation nowadays, I bet), and in the process of clearing away some brush, I discovered that bees had made a home under a heavy flagstone. I’m quite sure they are bumblebees, being black and yellow, fuzzy, and practically spherical; and from observing them I can tell they’re social and, obviously, ground-nesting. But I haven’t seen one settle on a flower or do anything else slow enough for a photo, much less close examination, so I can’t identify the marks that would tell me the species. I’m just delighted they’re here.
Amy, take some photos of the bees and put them on iNaturalist.org. It’s a good way to get an ID (plus, you’ll be doing citizen science).
I’d love to. So far, my camera isn’t fast enough, or my hand isn’t steady enough, or the bees aren’t slow enough.